Gaming & Metaverse


Leader in blockchain gaming and NFT industry; key investor in Axie Infinity, Open Sea, Dapper Labs, CryptoKitties, and much more.

CCisDreaming is the metaverse’s first-ever 3D avatar digital popstar and NFT personality that performs and interacts with audiences in a live show.

ChainGuardians is a platform which combines traditional gaming concepts with blockchain technologies to enable player-driven economies.

Demole is the first playable 3D RPG in the crypto/NFT ecosystem. Demole offers multiple earning opportunities and diverse gameplay mechanics synthesized to create an immersive world for Gamers to explore, be entertained and to earn.

Highstreet is a commerce-centric metaverse that allows players to explore a vast MMORPG world where in-game items are real products by real brands.

Netvrk is a metaverse on the blockchain with tools that allow you to Play to Earn via NFTs and Virtual Land Sales.

Binopoly is a BSC platform that is centered around combining DeFi and real-world games into a single play-to-earn format. Binopoly integrates real geographic locations into a world that players seek to master by acquiring economic prowess and collecting land.

MetaBays is the first Sail-to-Earn game that truly enables gamers to make market driven decisions by issuing 4 in-game tokens listed on DEX.

Totem is a collective of artists, technicians, and builders, creating a new earth operating ecosystem.

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